You Wouldn't Want to be a Victorian Servant

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Industrial Age

You Wouldn't Want to be a Victorian Servant! A Thankless Job You'd Rather Not Have
Author: MacDonald, Fiona
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Time Period: Industrial Age
Time Frame: 1880-1889
Geographic Area: Europe
Country: Great Britain
Topics: Victorian Era
Genre: Non Fiction
Reading Age: Lower Elementary, Middle Grade
Format: Picture Book
Published: 2016

World History > Industrial Age > Victorian Era

Get ready... as a 12-year-old girl living in Britain in the 1880s, you are about to start work for a wealthy family. You will be busy all day long as a Victorian servant. This title can be used as a background approach to wider issues in Victorian times, such as class divides, daily life and the position of men and women. The humorous illustrations make learning fun, and encourage young readers to engage with the central servant character. Informative captions, a glossary and an index make this title an ideal and fun introduction to the conventions of non-fiction text.

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