Bard of Avon

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Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare
Author: Stanley, Diane., Vennema, Peter
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Time Period: Renaissance
Time Frame: 1558-1616
Geographic Area: Europe
Country: Great Britain
Topics: Shakespeare
Genre: Non Fiction, Biography
Reading Age: Upper Middle Grade
Format: Picture Book
Published: 2015

World History > Renaissance > Shakespeare

Celebrate 400 years of Shakespeare's legacy with this repackage of award-winning author Diane Stanley's tribute to the world-famous playwright William Shakespeare. This nonfiction picture book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 4 to 6. It’s a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children.

Nobody knows exactly when or why William Shakespeare left his boyhood home of Stratford-on-Avon for the great city of London, but it didn't take long for him to make a name for himself. His plays are now performed almost every day in just about every part of the world; even people who've never seen them use words and phrases he introduced into the English language.

How did a man from an unremarkable family create a legacy that the world, even 400 years after his death, has never forgotten? There will always be unsolved mysteries about Shakespeare, but what we do know of his life, his times, and his theater makes for a very dramatic story.

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