Henry VIII: Royal Beheader

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Henry VIII: Royal Beheader
(A Wicked History)

Author: Price, Sean Stewart
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Time Period: Renaissance
Time Frame: 1509-1547
Geographic Area: Europe
Country: Great Britain
Topics: Tudors, Henry VIII
Genre: Non Fiction, Biography
Reading Age: Upper Middle Grade, Young Adult
Format: Chapter Book
Published: 2009

World History > Renaissance > Tudors

In nearly 50 years as king on England, Henry went through six wives to get himself a on and heir. He threw his country into chaos to fulfill his personal whims. In the process, he turned on his most trusted allies and accused them of treason. And many traitors received a gruesome punishment: Their severed heads were displayed on London Bridge for all to see. Explore the dramatic monarchy of King Henry VIII, and the many unfortunate souls who lost their heads at his command.

The wicked ways of some of the most ruthless rulers to walk the earth are revealed in these thrilling biographies (A Wicked History) about men and women so monstrous, they make Frankenstein look like a sweetheart.

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